Here's how the ranks work in [Out]
They are pretty standard.
-Guild Leader: Pretty self explanatory.
-Officer: Pretty self explanatory.
-Member: Pretty self explanatory. Access to the Treasure Trove.
-New Recruit: New members will be invited into this group for a 2 week trial.
-Friends: For friends of the guild or players that are not on our server or are not representing the guild most of the time.
The Guild Bank is kept for higher tier items and can only be accessed by the Officers or myself. Will also be using it to store stuff for guild events.
The Treasure Trove is for everyone. Use it as you please, but everything in here is fair game.
If you want to donate money to the guild, it will go into the guild bank and be put to use to help out the guild.
New ranks might be created as we expand and grow with the game.